Thursday, 6 November 2008

The Hoarse Horse

Well, i have been poorly lately and completley lost my voice! Which to a lot of people was a blesing!

The show Noah is only 2 weeks away so I had to take care of my pipes. As the Director said she doesn't want a hoarse horse! who thinks she's a cow and then a unicorn and a Zebra!!! Well come along to the Cramporn and see!

I am looking forward to the week of the show as it is always fun backstage and we have a laugh with friends.. and we genarally all go out for a Chineese meal on the Friday or maybe this year being the theme of the show it should be trough!

Well... See you there bring your wellies it might rain!!


Pen said...

HI there, hope you are feeling better, and thanks for the nice words re my migriane, I did notice, just not had a PC to use.
I was a little confused by your comment on Matts blog re Ben and Brotherly Love.....Where is this, what did you mean.
Is it on Bens blg....they shut me out, I have no idea why they all know me...

Fiona (Phebes) said...

Geoff had said that he also gave it to Ben